Welcome to Psychology Associates


We are university trained Clinical Psychologists with extensive training and experience in public health systems prior to working privately. Psychology is the research based study of behaviour. Clinical Psychology is the application of this knowledge to problems from those of everyday life, through to the significantly abnormal and problematic.

Our group began over 40 years ago with Psychologists joining over the years. Collectively we offer a wide range of skills and practise. Individuals have specialist knowledge in different areas. We practice according to strong ethical standards described by the Psychologists Board and keep up to date with research and best practice by way of supervision and attending conferences and training workshops both here and overseas. 

For our fees, please see individual profiles.

General enquiries and referrals:

We have capacity for new referrals.
Contact info@psychologyassociateschch.nz

Sensitive Claims:

Latest update: As of October 2022, we are not accepting new referrals for sensitive claims.

Please try findsupport.co.nz or ring ACC

Contact sue@activatepsych.nz

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